No more shame. No more gaslighting.

We have been gaslight by corporations for too long.

It is NOT the responsibility of the individual one-week-a-year tourist to fix the exploitation and inequity in tourism.

As individuals, we can applaud industry changes with our wallets.

But, it IS the responsibility of the corporate tourism industry to implement real solutions for problems they capitalize on. Their thirst for profits led to impulsive decisions that flamed systemic exploitation affecting communities at destinations and their abilities to thrive.

So how is it gaslighting?

Let’s use individual vs corporate recycling.

Many city waste services in the US have the option to recycle plastic, glass, etc., along with our regular trash.

For decades, I was obsessed with recycling everything

So much that I would get upset at my family for the random coke can in the trash instead of the recycling.

The media has run articles for year telling me to Recycle.Recycle.Recycle. So I believed it was MY responsibility.

What about big companies? Are they recycling? Where are the recycling bins at McDonalds? Movie theaters? Macy’s? Anyone who has worked in retail, knows the stockroom throws away countless single-use individual merchandise bags that are ripped off before the item is placed out on the store floor.

According to, the biggest polluting industries are fossil fuels, agriculture, fashion, food retail, transport, and construction.

The truth is - Industries are blaming us for the bad stuff while they enjoy their 2nd and 3rd homes.

Why is it on us? I mean we can do our small part but seriously, judging my neighbor who didn’t have a recycle bin outside each week more harshly than I judged Starbucks and those plastic cups & lids. Enough with that BS.

Yes, I still reduce reuse recycle when I can and I try to spend my travel dollars with companies that are making an effort. But, no more shame & no more gaslighting.




