There’s always more to the story.

What hiring the respectful traveler gives you:

  • Compassionate voice to multigenerational readers

  • Poignant stewed from the analytical

  • Nuanced but easy to read

  • Introspective, personal, and relatable connections

  • Inclusive and intersectional world-view

My name is Christianna Yarbrough and for 40 years, I have struggled to understand how to fit in to the world. Eighteen months ago, I learned I was autistic and didn’t get out of bed for months. My entire being was dismantled. Learning about autism started the process of accepting and healing the little girl inside me. Her age is GenX. Her heart is GenZ. Her viewpoint is Xennial. Through my healing I found my unique voice. Hoping for more - Read “Why Hire The Respectful Traveler?” below then click the Learn More button for my media kit.


Why hire The Respectful Traveler®?

My brain works differently. I am a bottom-up thinker and that affects how I see the world. I process information differently. NOT better just differently.

My steps to understanding:

Step 1- gather data points.

Step 2- organize data

Step 3- look for patterns

Step 4- connect the patterns to a bigger picture.

Step 5- articulate findings to others.

What does that mean for you?

Imagine that the world is a complicated board game.

The standard instructions to board games are made for top down thinkers. So for me, the instructions are made using in opposite order of the way I think.

To help me learn a new board game more quickly, my dream set of instructions reads like this:

  1. This is a (Strategy/Cooperative/Bluffing/Building) type game.

  2. The goal of the game is _________.

  3. A win in the game is defined as _______.

  4. The game is finished when a player(s) completes __________.

  5. A players in the game must do ________ but can do________.

  6. A player in the game has an unfair advantage or can trick other plays when they do_______.

  7. The following parts of the game are made to create inequality and division__________.

The last two are about injustice. If the game’s structure is built on inequality and destroying your enemy, I likely won’t play it. Monopoly, I am looking at you. Why don’t I play those? If I takes me longer to learn a game whose instructions weren’t built for my mind, I am more likely lose. The game was made for certain people and I’m not one of them. Typically these games have inherent themes of  superiority and hierarchy.

Q: Why does our society love games that are meant to make some people feel like winners and other losers?

A: Its complicated. Hey, let’s make this something we talk about later.

Did you see what I did there? Took you from my brain to board games to inequality. That’s how my brain processes patterns.


book recommendations

note: Country-specific information will be discussed during the planning of your trip

all about love by bell hooks

will to change by bell hooks

Unmasking Autism by Dr. Devon Price

An Indigenous People’s History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

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